SEX PISTOL glen matlock
even more Anarchy Pics
from December 2005
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new punkrock podcast --> sooon...
Anarchy Story COMPLETE.
It was all of few days ago, I forgot I had put in my Punk Listings
on Tuesdays, that GLEN MATLOCK, former Sex Pistol, would
be at my favorite club, since the Cathay de Grande in the '80s,
the ANARCHY LIBRARY. Then Kiki calls me up and goes on
how she has to be at little Eric's B.D. so could I run down to
Downey and get Glen's phone # because she really needed to
fit the pieces together on Glen's story since she had interviewed
Rat Scabies in the early eighties, before I met her in 1984,
and in the '90s Dave Vanian when we videotaped the Phantom Chords.
The QUESTIONS posed then about the Sex Pistols, and the DAMNED
gave Kiki the notion it was time to follow-up on the GLEN MATLOCK STORY.
Well, we missed an interview on Monday because we messed up,
and now we'll see how Kiki conjures up the answers in the soon future.
SO I WENT TO THE ANARCHY... for family reasons I had a small
time period I left as they went on, zoomed down the 5 fwy to the
605 to the 105, then I got LOST, stopped at gas station used my
crumpled very old Thomas Guide and arrived in seconds and inside
to the coolest comfy set going on of the Phillistines led by Glen
I felt like I was in a small pub in Britain. The guys performed heavy
hard and direct going from oldies Sex Pistols to their own new songs
and a Monkees' cover, which was nice for us really crusties who
were alive when the Monkees came about ! Oh, it was Steppin Stone.
There was a young BLOKE [ oh , my ENGRISH ] who was tall
leather jacketed slamming and DRUNK, they played a song just for him.
...all about an asshole, but everyone had lots of fun, everyone.
THEN I went outside and Glen was cooling down from the set.
Glen was getting his photo taken by local band members,
I think it was DEATH MARCH. I introduced myself and told Glen
how great it was to see the band, how great they were, and how
I just got the word about their tour. Glen said they had been all
over for the last 6 days starting in San Diego. I told him I the pics
I had taken would be on my daily punk story site. KIki wanted this
interview, Glen told me to contact thru his website. One more
THANK YOU and I went back in the club telling the other band members
the praise they deserved....back on the freeway.
click here or on Glen's photo above to see all the pics.
PUNK CONTEST ! -->PunkSlam
...the band below is HATE
that's Flea, he has an
NBA basketball blog
? The Contest QUESTION: ?
WHO ARE THE BAND ?(4) members ?
...1984 Los Angeles based band
Flea's friend, something Fishy, and
"don't call me that"
click picture to email me